Therapeutic Counselling: Individuals, Couples, Whānau / Families & Groups:

Our contemporary approach to the work is Mana-informed and centers Indigenous sovereignty. We uphold sacred connections to whenua, whakapapa, tīkanga and te ao wairua across generations and through time.

Clinical & Cultural Supervision for Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Practitioners

  • We structure wairua safety in ways that visibilises colonial violence, pre-existing power dynamics and structural oppression.
  • We engage practitioners in a deep process that challenges mental health, medical and trauma discourses that pathologise and blame Indigenous clients’ for their suffering.
  • We affirm the importance of self-reflexivity and accountability to disrupt colonial discourses and practices that are harmful to Indigenous clients seeking help and support.

Cultural Safety Training

  • We deliver a foundational series on decolonising practice for teams and organisations across the health, education, justice and NGO sectors.
  • We support practitioners to learn clinical and cultural skills needed to identify colonial violence and the ways it shows up in their Indigenous clients’ lives.
  • We teach concrete ways of integrating decolonizing (for non-Indigenous) and re-Indigenising (for Indigenous) approaches into therapeutic practice and social service delivery with Indigenous clients.

Cultural Consultation - Policy, Leadership & Management

  • Innovative cultural safety policy design
  • Implementation of culturally affirming services and programmes
  • Cultural advice and consultancy to executive and organisational leadership

Clinical Team Leadership & Accountability

  • We support clinical teams to envision and action organizational change initiatives in service of social justice.
  • We support clinical teams to develop a critical analysis of colonial violence and build a culture of collective ethics and accountability.
  • Team building, intervening in lateral violence and disrupting current colonial structures and practices within frontline services.

Professional Development Training & Facilitation:

All wānanga, workshops and training programmes center Indigenous ancestral authority, leadership and knowledge.

We offer wānanga, workshops and trainings on:

  • A Foundational Series on Decolonising Practice
  • Developing an Analysis of Colonial Violence
  • Mana-informed and Sovereignty-informed Care
  • Trans-generational Healing from Colonial Violence
  • Tūhonotanga: Relationality and “Attachment” from a Māori Worldview
  • Politicizing Trauma: Moving Beyond Trauma-informed Care for Indigenous Peoples
  • Culturally Safe and Affirming Services for Two Spirit / Trans Indigenous / Takatāpui communities